We are pleased to introduce to your company, our Iron concentrates from Southern Philippines, with typical iron content Fe 47.88%, FeO 12%, MgO 6.62% , P < 0.01%, Pb < 0.01%, SiO2 9.83%, AL2O3 6.79% , Ni 0.29% , Cr2O3 3.8% , MnO 1.38%, S 0.063% , Zn 0.04% , TiO2 0.08% typical moisture 22 to 27% .( these iron concentratesdo not require mining anymore, as these are from Nickel tailing Pond within 1 kilometer from the port) Our Current FOB Southern port Philippines USD 17.00 per DRY MT estimated C & F Tianjin port USD 29.50 per mt ( subject to fluctuation of ocean freight) We are able to supply up to 60,000 mt for Nov., December onwards , we can supply 120,000 mt Our iron concentrates are suitable for making pig iron & for blending in steel making, thus reducing cost of your production. Kindly pass this information onto your group's General Manager for his consideration. At the same time , we will explore the possibilities, to ex[port your pig iron to other countries |