We are looking for a reliable supplier to supply us quality air-conditioning system for our own brand gazz international. This brand had been selling very well in Singapore and Asia and we decide to expand our offer to other supplier. Please quote us base on our current buying price or below. Min 1x20ft for each model. Spilt type: 10k btu = USD 125.00 13k btu = USD 135.00 19k btu = USD 225.00 24k btu = USD 310.00
Company Name: Gazz International Contact Person: Mr Max Lee Address: 59 Ubi Ave 1 Bizlink Centre #06-14,Singapore Zip: 408938 Telephone: 65 62920187 Fax: 65 62920656 Mobile Phone: 93827366 Website: http://www.gazz.com.sg Email:gazz_intl@gazz.com.sg