* SPECIFIC CHEMICAL CLEANING: To all kinds of fuel tanks, power stations and oil pipelines: The firm also produce and manufacturing detergents specific for industry, Hospitals, equipment or houses.
* ADHESIVE AND INSULATING wood, iron and concrete adhesive materials.
* WATER TREATMENT: Chemical cleaning, and elimination of Scales deposits in boilers and cooling towers.
*SURFACES TREATMENTS: Removers and prevention of rust of different metals. Phosphate and galvanic solutions, painting of different metals, epoxides and acrylic painting of metals.
* ARTIFICIAL FLOORS AND CONCRETE ADDITIONS: Artificial floors of factories, hospitals, schools and playgrounds either made of epoxide, acrylic or polyurethane. In addition to improve the characteristic of concretes according to the purpose of different installations
*SPECIAL PRODUCTS: Specific aerosols such as revealing of metals cracks, cleaning of electrical devices stains removers, glass cleaners and cars aerosols. |