Our company, ararat gold recovery company(agrc), is a wholly owned subsidiary of sterlite gold ltd(sterlite), listed on the toronto stock exchange, with its operations in the republic of armenia.
Presently we have the following equipments working in our open pit mines in armenia.
Name of equipments quantities Excavators ekg 5m3(russian) 6 ea Back hoe cat385 1 ea Belaz trucks 42t 8 ea Belaz trucks 40 t 8 ea Belaz trucks 30 t 9 ea Russian sbsh drills 250 mm 4 ea Atlas copco drills roc f7 1 ea Atlas copco drill roc f9 1 ea Dozers d10, cat 1 ea Cat motor grader 16h 1 ea Small russian dozers(t-130) 4 ea Komatsu dozer d355 1 ea Pc650 excavator 1 ea Komatsu wheel dozer wd600 1 ea
We are interested to get the spare parts for these equipments. Interested parties can communicate back with brief introduction/profile for further details