We are manufacturer of flate plate collector type water heater since 1989 in India. We want to purchase vacuum tube solar water heater of following specification 1] tube-length 1500 mm, OD-47 mm, number of tube 15. 2] tank capacity-100 litre [ please give details of system capacity and tank capacity] 3] tank material-SS 304 2B, [thickness of tank sheet 0. 4 mm] Tank inlet and outlet should be welded to tank, size of inlet and out let 1 / 2 inch or 3 / 4 inch, [ please spscify in youe quotation ] 4] insulation-50 mm puf density 38 KG / cu. Mtr [if other specify] 5] outer cover of tank-COATED STEEL Of thickness 0. 3 to 0. 5 mm[ if other specify] 6] we dont want your name on box and system and on tube 7] tobe box suitable for 15 nos tube 8] stand material-coated steel 9] after assembly tube shoud make 30 deg angle to floor 10] seals-SILICON, TUBE SEALS-EPDM 11] PLASTIC PARTS IN ABS