Our company is procuring for purchase the following metal (alloys) – min length 5m 1. Copper and tin alloy strip: 0.8mm tick and 25 mm width Cold rolled; Rectangular cut; Normal accuracy; Semi-hard Component: Copper content 62 to 65% 2. Bronze strip: 0.2 mm tick and 25 mm width Cold rolled; Rectangular cut; High production accuracy; Hard Component: 1.8 to 2% Beryllium where before hardening it should be 108-118 MPa (mega-pascal) and after hardening 103-122 MPa 3. Steel strip: 0.8mm tick and 25mm width Normal accuracy; High smoothness; As per norm of 5th category; Highly cultivated Type: Cold rolled, LOW carbon steel (carbon content not more than 0.05 to 0.11%) 4. CuNiZn (65%;15%;20% respectively) (white copper) alloy: 0.8mm tick and 25mm width Cold rolled; Rectangular cut; Normal accuracy; Semi-Hard