We have designed a trophy for a contest that we organize in cooperation with Absolut Vodka, we need a rapid prototype to show it to the people from Absolute, so they can accept the final design. We need to decide where we are going to make it before June 10, so as fast as you can send us your budget, will be better.
The design is separated into three pieces, If you are interested on the job, please send me a mail and I will send you the file of the piece we need, actually is small, we will need the model in approximately two months from now, but is important to decide with witch company we are going to make the prototype because Absolut is going to pay for everything and we need to justify it by that day.
Please let me know if there is any question or something is not clear please let me know, the material is not very relevant, we just need the form, and it is not a functional prototype.
Excuse my English, I hope that we won't have any problem because of it. Is just that I'm more used to Spanish, or Italian, I'll wait for you answers, and have a nice day. The Logistic department will solve all the matters according to the shipping, but well the first thing is to have a budget. Sorry that it is so fast, but this has just come at the last moment. |