Buy 600 MT Of Sodium Hexa Meta Phosphate |
We would like to introduce our company United suppliers for engineering materials as frequent suppliers of industrial supplies for major large scale industrial plants in the region. Our services cover: Refineries, fertilizers, cement, power, steel, oil, utility, pharmaceutical and food plants. We would appreciate it if you can send us your price quote on the attached inquiry for (sodium hexa meta phosphate) for one of our clients. Kindly arrange to send us your price quote on/before august 16th with 90 days validity period.
Important points to be mentioned in your offer clearly:
1. Should include ex-work prices, FOB/fca cost (port name) & CFR/cpt cost (aqaba port, jordan).
2. Should mention the shortest delivery time, goods weight & volume, origin, best payment method.
3. Send the quotation as soon as possible by e-mail as attached file. You can quote alternatives as long as it is equivalent, also you can quote partially if you can not quote for all.
4. Quote our ref on all correspondence: Q#eh0819/05.
5. Send a reference list of customers (if any) who bought same material.
6. Offers should be sent as two separate technical and financial offers.
7. Provide by courier service 2 sets of your full technical catalogues & 2 cds (if have not done before).
8. Advice if you only quote our company for this inquiry exclusively or you have quoted other companies.
9. Advice if you are free or have any operation in our market, as we are interesting for long-term business relation based on exclusivity.
Your fast & positive response will be highly appreciated. United suppliers for engineering materials
Item Description Qty. Unit
1. Sodium hexa meta phosphate(flake)
(anti scalant inhibitor )
Pority more than or equal 60%
*order upon sample approval 600 MT
** 1 KG sample should be send free of charge for lab analysis |